The third annual Rotary Club of Monrovia Santa Clothes Event took place on December 14, 2014 at the Kohl’s in Monrovia. 50+ children ages 4 to 12 went shopping for school-appropriate clothing, shoes and backpacks. This year, due to urgent pleas from Rotary Club members, each child was also allowed one small toy item. The children are from client families being served by The Santa Anita Family Services. The children will be paired with Interact students from Monrovia High School for their shopping adventures. (Interact is a teen service club sponsored by Rotary Clubs) Adult Rotarians, members of Kaizen Martial Arts studio and employees of the Monrovia branch of Wells Fargo will also be on hand … but will probably lack the cool factor of the high school students!
Each child spent (with guidance) $125. With the cooperation of Kohl’s, that translated into some mighty full and heavy bags of goodies. The event generally results in about $1000 in Kohl’s Cash Back which is donated to the Foothill Unity Center for their holiday food/gift donation event. More photos appear on the Monrovia Rotary Club Facebook Page.