
RotaryBellRotary Club of Monrovia Officers 2024-2025

  • President – Erica Hahn
  • President-Elect – Tim Moore
  • President-Nominee – Pat Holley
  • Past President – Karen Lujan
  • Secretary – Bob Helbing
  • Treasurer – Pat Holley

Rotary Club of Monrovia Directors 2024-2025

  • Erica Hahn – President
  • Karen Lujan – Past President
  • Tim Moore – President-Elect
  • Pat Holley – President-Nominee
  • Tom Adams – Public Image
  • Karen Lujan – Webmaster
  • Bob Helbing – Secretary
  • Pat Holley – Treasurer
  • John Campbell – Youth Service Chair
  • Dr. Sylvia Domotor – Rotary Foundation Chair
  • Cece Gottling – Membership Chair

Monrovia, California | USA