Past Presidents of the Club

Karen Lujan 2023-2024

Tom Adams 2022-2023 – Centennial

Sylvia Domotor 2021-2022

Pat Holley 2020-2021

Jan Mueting 2019-2020

Darrell Brooke 2018-2019

Robert Helbing 2017-2018

Susanne Hayek 2016-2017

Bill Shieff 2015-2016

Bryan Earll 2014-2015

Alexander Blackburn 2013-2014

Julie Roybal 2012-2013

Tom Hould 2011-2012

Cal Magro 2010-2011

Jim Ward 2009-2010

John Campbell 2008-2009

Dennis Franklin 2007-2008

Joseph Leonard 2006-2007

Timothy Mishler 2005-2006

Mitchell Cochran 2004-2005

Craig Schaid 2003-2004

Denise Harvey 2002-2003

Mary Ann Lutz 2001-2002

Paul Genino 2000-2001

Stephen Baker 1999-2000

Kathy Brandes 1998-1999

Robert Hammond 1997-1998

Ernest Mitchell 1996-1997

Thomas Adams 1995-1996

Haley Freedman 1994-1995

Samuel Wright 1993-1994

Donald Hopper 1992-1993

Darrell Dettloff 1991-1992

Howard Crawford 1990-1991

Gary Moore 1989-1990

Dale Spickler 1988-1989

James Rush 1987-1988

Gerritt Kooiman 1986-1987

James Starbird 1985-1986

Louis Petri 1984-1985

Steven Knight 1983-1984

Detro Sells 1982-1983

Harold Allen 1981-1982

William Kling 1980-1981

Galbraith Templeton 1979-1980

Howard Crawford 1979

Harold Allen 1978-1979

Donald Stewart 1978-1979

William Faith 1977-1978

Roland Kemp 1976-1977

Paul Garber 1975-1976

Keith Smith 1974-1975

William Lacy 1973-1974

William Ryan 1972-1973 (Past District Governor)

Norman Bohleen 1971-1972

Ralph Conner Jr. 1970-1971

John Platt 1969-1970

Jay Wyne 1968-1969

Henry Schuil 1967-1968

Alfred Jorgenson 1966-1967

Scott Metcalf Jr. 1965-1966

Herbert Hezlep III 1964-1965

Fred MacGougan 1963-1964

Douglas Graham 1962-1963

Kenneth Richardson 1961-1962

Fred Hughes 1960-1961

Byron La Gourgue 1959-1960

Harold Nelson 1958-1959

Wilbur Treadwell 1957-1958

Paul Brown 1956-1957

Joseph Ragsdale 1955-1956

Delos Comstock 1954-1955

Harry Crunk 1953-1954

Lloyd Gates 1952-1953

Gilbert Biggle 1951-1952

Samuel Uphouse 1950-1951

Albert Case 1949-1950

Lewis Jenkins 1948-1949

Harry Rosedal 1947-1948

William Barks 1946-1947

William Lewis 1945-1946

Charles Davis 1944-1945

Everett Simons 1943-1944

Stanley McClintic 1942-1943

Fred Schwartz 1941-1942

Haven Davis 1940-1941

John Sturgeon 1939-1940

George Carlson 1938-1939 (Past District Governor)

Robert Finlayson 1937-1938

Frank Wood 1936-1937

George Williams 1935-1936

A.K. Wilson 1934-1935

Ray Wilson 1933-1934

D.S. Dandridge 1932-1933

Robert Miller 1931-1932

Chas. Matteson 1930-1931

V.R. Bush 1929-1930

William Chamness 1928-1929

Clarence Jones 1927-1928

Harry Kellogg 1926-1927

Sherman McQueen 1925-1926

E.B. Evans 1924-1925

John McBratney 1923-1924

Walter Keefe 1922-1923

Monrovia, California | USA